The Daily Record from Long Branch, New Jersey (2024)

6 Long Branch DAILY RECORD Friday, February 26, 196S POLLY'S POINTERS PJtJC edges did not burn it first DEAR POIXY Would you Twenty to 30 pounds of char like a cheap but effective tele vision -or radio aerial? Mount an coal were enough to burn out a twoftotaide stump. We filled it over with dirt, planted grass old discarded aluminum bicycle seed and by the next spring no ens ever dreamed there had been wheel on the roof in the direction of the station and attach to it the television or radio wire. Hold the wheel upright with a dowel BaptistWomen pin of wood placed through the a tree R.M.W. GIRLS-I am sure our gentlemen readers will finJ that hint interesting. It sounds wonderful, but not having a two-foot stump at hand I did not have the fun aide bole and into a board or metal standard that goes down Deborah Players Stage Once More, With Feeling to the roof or Propose New Constitution of burning it POLLY BOYS There ii a Pointer for yon as I fed sure the girls DEAR POLLY Chipped paiat will not venture to the roof tops.

Hie Deborah Players went in spots on your stove or any RED BANK The proposed As intrigued ai I was with the idea, could not Imagine my self standing on the roof blowing new constitution was distribut basis after this presentation. The play, which starred Ar-lene Francis and Joseph Cotton is a lampoon of the narrow mindedness of tog haired mus! to rehearsed this week at the Monmouth Executive House for their production of the Harry ed at the monthly meeting of in the breeze. I hate high places anyway. A professional the Women's Fellowship of First Kurnitz comedy, "One More Wtfh Feeling." The Players, who are com' advised one addition to Tiny's cians in general and one symphony orchestra conductors mu Baptist Church, conducted at suggestion. It was to cat the Mary E.

Mount Fellowship Hall sical and morital disharmonies nosed of member, and flriends wheel and fasten a wire to each other such place around, the house can be touched up easily by using a small diameter bare wire instead of a brush. Dip the end of the wire into, the point and put the tip against the Atpped psoc, Pa'nt wii ran off the end of the wire and neatly fill the hole without smaaring the adjacent GIRLS Jf you do not bava a wirt, try a kitchen match. POLLY recently. of Rae Paskow Deborah Oiap- cut end. Good in particular.

Gait Rineberg, West Deal ter. wii present the 1958-59 Serving on the nominating com' Ocean will recreate the DEAR POLLY My last mittee wii be Mrs. William role played by Miss Francis, and received so many pretty Schanck, Mrs. Thomas Maloney, Milton Barefoot of Matawan will rattles that I put them away Mrs. Marshall Smith, Mrs.

Cle- take the Cotton role. Others in Broadway hit on the evenings of April 30 and May 1 at the Civic Auditorium, Monmouth Shopping Center, Eatontown. Proceeds from the production will benefit the Deborah Hospital ln Browns Mills. The chapter until I hit UDon an idea for the cast are Normon Dornfeld, meat Barlow, and Mrs. Warren usjng them as a decoration in I ill- ifcl --Yf 'I'tfm rrrrmrminrtrm AJlenhurst; Morton Weiner.

Elliott baby'r room, I painted a wire Elberon; David Weiner, Deal; ckthes hanger and with ribbons Announcement was made of; We Buy Pianos also plans to inaugurate a then- Sy Eisenberg, New Shrewsbury; of different lengths hung the the World Day of Prayer to take 'ter workshop on a year-round ratUta from the- lower bar of FREE APPRAISAL i place on March 5 at the Rumson the hanger to make a pretty Alio Sell, Rent ft Exchange Presbyterian Church at which TIICTIkl BIIVIA A mobile for baby. They could also Mark Ellentuck, Wanamassa, Ocean and Stuart Paskow, this city. Members of the production cast are Abe Rubenstein, Deal, producer; Mrs. Barefoot, director; time Mrs. Francis Swartz will be hung so that baby could hit them when old enough to throw Bangs I Bond, Atbury Pork PR 5-0664 i Stage Readied -for Players' represent the fellowship in the program.

her arms around and enloy a bit Mrs. Thomas Morford announ of noise I plan to clip the rat Mrs. David Weiner, assistant di ced that the Rev. Thurber of ttie tles from the hanger and make Orange Baptist Church wii be several individual playthings the guest speaker next month. when sl.e is old enough to enjoy them.

Mrs. a.e.m. Mrs. Room. j.

Fiedler, presi Wlie-ProAuction Z- MIDDLETOWN TOT. Billy dent, introduced Mrs. LeRoy Mil rector; Mrs. Richard KroB, Oak-hurst, Ocean set designer; and Mrs. Barefoot and Mrs.

Dornfeld, stage managers. Others are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chodosh, Wanamassa, theater managers; Mrs. Sidney Oper, tickets; Mrs.

Herbert Du-bilier, West End, props; Mr. Du-bilier and Arthur EM, who is ler, family life chairman, who DEAR POLLY This is the u-J. Fansler, Middletown, unit pro- was in charge of the program, duction and stage manager, for OPEN WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M "These; Also Are Ours," and who the Monmouth Players current WINDFALL ON MONDAY Committee members (left to right) Mrs. George A. Leach, Mrs.

Fred Belcuore, Chairman Mrs. Rose Miceli, and Mrs- Angelo Caeca-vale prepare prizes and "Mystery Gift" for a family card party scheduled for Monday, 8 p.m. at Price's Fountains, Ocean Long Branch, for the benefit of the Oceanport Public Library. Tickets are available at the door. way I salvaged the good parts of a discarded plastic dress stor-agi bag.

The rectangular metal hanger was enameled to match 1 production of Oscar Wilde's sa-. led the devotional. Assisting Mrs. Miller as reader was Mrs. William Barrett, Oakhurst.

Partici tirioal comedy, The Importance the bathroom and hangs over the shower head for hand laundry. president of the chapter, scenery; Mrs. Alan Winter, Deal pating in the tableaux were Miss of Being Ernest', opening to- morrow evening at the Navesink Lftrary, bad been working back Jean Fiedler, Miss Susan Earle, Students Prepare The zipper was cut, and put in my sewing box for future use. Park, Ocean advertising; and Joseph Drucker, Elberon, Miss Cheryl Elliott and Miss Bar stage for the past weeks with bara Miller. Mrs.

Charles Earle program. The quilted top was removed and small appliques put over the had a speaking part. Cub Scout Pack 73 Receives Charter, Awards Also Mrs. Morton Weiner, Attending the meeting were for Junior High hansition hanger holes to make a quilt Mrs. E.S.

Neil, Mrs. J. Walters, for my daughter's doJl bed. The makeup; Mra. Walter Turken, Elberon, costumes; Mrs.

Joel Ul-anet, West Deal, scripts, Mrs. Arthur Edell, prodution coordi Clement Barlow, Karen, Brad, rest of the plastic was trimmed his staff to prepare for their five forthcoming performances. Miss Frances Kirkpatrick, Key-port, will aid Mr. Fansler as his assistant unit production man- ager. Graham Mafflory is in, charge of set design and decor, with specific stage settings by Mhs.

Samud Smith and Mrs. Bryan and David; William MIDDLETOWN TWP. The Schanck, Francis Swartz, the guidance departments of the carefully and can be used for covering stored articles, as a paint dnp doth or a throwaway LONG BRANCH Deportment Store MATAWAN At the annual nator; Mr. Sid Oper, Wanamassa, lighting; Mrs. Stuart Paskow, David Baulier, lion badge.

1 Rev. Stanley E. Mugridge, John1 Thorne and Thompson Schools gold arrow and denner badge; Quivey, the Rev. Lee A. Mor Blue and Gold Dinner of Cub Long Branch, sound effects.

piCLic tablecloth. BEVERLY are now in process of holding Robert Hensley, lion badge, as-1 ris and Mrs. Miller. conferences with eighth grade DEAR POLLY When your Scout Pack 73 in the Presbyter Also attending were Mrs. Bar broom wears down to a stubble students and their parents to sistant denner badge and denner William Hensley, Monmouth Shopping Center ian Church parish haH, Cubmast-1 Costume design has Mrs.

Eliot low, Mrs. Morford, Mrs. Walter Imnlight Council Eotontown plan course schedules for the do not throw it away. Cut the er nicnaro Burnett weicomeo Lawes, Rumson, at the helm, White, Mrs. John Quivey, Mrs.

handle off about half way up, ninth grade. pin and wolf badge; William Tonnner, bobcat pin; Donald assisted by Cynthia Edwardsen William Barrett, Mrs. Robert the one hundred and sixty guests! Open Deify 10 A.M. Beginning in September the a small hole in the ground Plans fair hip Welsh, bear badge and gold ar Marion Jewel Joan Underwood present and introduced James AAorriMrir WARD near the back door and push I HI 9:30 P.M. Fiedler.

Mrs. William Schanck, Mrs. Warren Elliott, Mrs. Swartz and Ann Cardelfa Mr. Victor township will begin its junior, high school program with grades row; ana Barry Urr, denner Flynn, Boy Scout district com the broom handle into the badge; Richard Delmas and Rich Mrs.

Everett Brewer, Mrs. Claude Sot til HIGHLANDS Final agree missioner. Mr. Flynn spoke brief ground. Fffl the hole around the Dingle, aside from playing an Important part in the play, will seven through nine attending the two Junior high schools, Thorne ard Fiorino, assistant denner Denny, Mrs.

Earle, Mrs. Stanley ly and presented the Cub Scout Mugridge, Mrs. Lee Morris, Mrs. direct the lighting effects tor ments have been planned for Twinlight Council, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, to sponsor Charter to the Church, sponsors metal part of the broom so that just the stubble sticks out. This makes a dandy scraper for mud and Thompson- badge; Bryant Sowell, Bobcat' pin and den chief award; Tage Lind, John Furey, Howard Con- of the troop.

Accepting for the Junior high counselors Mrs. Alfred Freey, Mrs. John Alexander and Mrs. R.G. Baxter.

Rumson. wiH do the make-up Church was Stanley Sokolowski, dy P.H. Kathken Corcoran, Mrs. Rober-I Ion and Michael McCSue, den Hostesses were circles one and another bus trip to the New York Worlds Fair on May 22 at 9 a.m. as she has done for many of institutional representative.

ta Lawley. Mrs. Ruth Griffiths, DEAR POLLY My baby's formula bottles were always fall chief cord WINTER HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR AUTO-NEEDS the Monmouth Players' period two, Mrs. Morford, Mrs. EJliott, Mr.

Flynn also presented Sal and Donald Kurz are in charge1 Mr. Day presented Cubmast- type plays. will be helped This trip will be via Staten Milazzo. committee chairman ing over in the refrigerator imtaD of the conference sessions. They er Burket with a four-year pin.

Island and the VerrazanNarrows by Audrey Roche and Betty 1 started nuttine them in an with a 100 per cent Boys life will be assisted by the guidance Mrs. Swartz, Mrs. Schanck. Mrs, White, Mrs. Ferry, Mrs.

Alexander, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Fied kr. The closing ceremony was con ridge. Reservations are flow be Magazine award.

department from the senior high ducted by Cubmaster Burket. ing taken by the committee. Mrs. school. The attendance was then Mrs.

A. Orr's Den 6 won Gallagher. Many weeks of set construe-' lion have gone by under the su-7 pervjsion of Bob Erie, Highlands, Henry Quast, 266 Navesink According to Lawrence Stern- is in charge and is assisted by feld, Thorne principal, each stu Riimsoii Exhibit Set the banner award for the month. Awards chairman Donald T. Mas Florence KoMenbush, Bay witn me neip oi nauy unuer- dent wiH be assisted and coun Mrs.

Helen Shea, 61 Nave Day presented the following wooo. nusseu sievens, ixm uor- seled in course selection for the Nikita Andreiev, Jim Gwynn awards: Mrs. A. Furey's Den ninth grade on the basis of abili sink and Mrs. Betty Helik-er, 66 Highland all of High For Garden.

Show ty and interests. empty soft drink carton which holds them umigbt-NANCY DEAR POIXY I have just discovered an easy way to get rid of that flat stump left after a tree is cut down. Our tree was cut flat to the ground but there was an unwanted bumc that the mower would hit and the grass would not grow on. I bought a big bag of charcoal and lighted it on top of the shimp. It caught the stump on fire and burned it right down to the roots.

I added more charcoal from time to time as the 1, Paul Burkett, Kenneth Miller, Derick Frazier, and Joseph Tom- lands. Parents who wish to discuss Snow Tires Batteries Anti-Freeze 9 Accessories NO MONEY DOWN ON CHARG-ALl The newly elected officers were class schedules with the guidance aselto, 1-year pins; Edmund De-Mont 1-year pin and bear NEW YORK The Interna and Mrs. Norman C. Ramsey is recently installed by State Deputy, Mrs. Ellen Fessler, 668 tional Flower Show will take department are urged to make appointments.

another member working with badge; Mrs. T. Weils' Den 2, Peter Koelsch, James Pasqualo, Morford Long Branch. the committee. place this year from March 6 through March 14 at the Colise George Wells, Boyd Mason, Ken MISS WOOLLEY PLEDGED Rumson Garden Club mem um.

Tre Rumson Garden Club Dld-you-know Department MARIETTA, Ohio Miss Pa bers will enter four arrangement of Rumson, N.J. will be well- Did you know that you can tricia Ellen WooHey, daughter of classes during the week of neth Duncan and David Welsh, 1-year pins; and Mrs. Donald Day's Den 3, Ronald Boulier wolf badge and gold arrow. represented. Mrs.

Gray Mae W. Bryan of the Rumson Garden Mr. and Mrs. John Woolley the show. Mrs.

Alfred F. King 1'and Niki Vuyosevicbo. Dressing the stage with the necessary properties will be Betty Gwytm and her helpers Mary Dorothy Vikos and Ann Mallory. Mrs. Gail Prentice, Rumson, who has been acclaimed by Monmouth County audiences for many of her past productions, especially 'The Heiress" and which she did for the Play-era is directing, with Kay Gladding, Elberon, as her assistant director.

"The Importance of Being Era-. will be presented tomor- row and Saturday and also on March 5 and 6. Curtain time is 8:45 p.m. take lard right out of the refrigerator and work It intot be flour mixture for pastry or bis will enter two classes; the pre Club is chairman of the Flower 12 Chestnut PI, West Long Branch, N.J., has been pledged YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE Also, Mrs. E.

J. McCiune's sident, Mrs. Niels W. Johnsen, Show Committee of the Garden Den 4, Jeffrey McChine, wolf to the Chi Gamma Chapter of will enter one; and Mrs. Phil cuits? Without trouble, that is.

That's because lard is the most Club of America Section. Mrs. badge, 1 gold arrow, and 1 sil lip E. N. Greene Jr.

and Mrs Leighton Lobdell and Mrs. Oliv Chi Omega Fraternity. A graduate of Shore Regiorcl High plastic of all fats and means Your in John B. Russell Jr. wiH enter er A.

vietor, also ot me Kum- that it has a wide range of tern-1 School, Miss Woolley is present ver arrow; Mrs. Harry Delong's Den 5, Joseph Milazzo, wolf badge and Steven Milazzo, bear son Garden Club, will be judges peratures at which it is work ly a freshman at Marietta Col one together. Mrs. Arthur Moore has entered the mailing class. (Photographic) this year, Mrs.

Lobdell judging able. lege majoring in Spanish. and Mrs. Orr's Den 6, LOCAL NEWBERRY STORE the mailing class. 1 Among the Rumson Garden Club exhibits will be on of the four competitive gardens, DRIVE SAFELY! THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN! LONG BRANCH stressing multiple uses of a small area.

Each garden must indude flowers, vegetables, herbs, and fruit; one or more trees to be Funds Raised For Radio I Free Europe MIDDLETOWN TWP. Ladies included. Mrs. Randolph Beardsley. ex-president of the club, heads the committee ex The Short's Famous hibkine the garden.

Mrs. Alfred L. Ferguson and Mrs, Richard M. Hurd designed the garden DEROMA Auxiliary to the VFW Post 2179 '2) Dinner Planned STYLIST Is a fund-raL-ing drive for Radio Free Europe. Mrs.

Felton Payne, president, is chair- Mrs. Harry Kern, Sixth District for Anniversary 142 BRIGHTON AVENUE president, made her official in WEST END, NEW JERSEY spection at i recent meetinc of OCEANPORT Plans tor the 30th anniversary dinner to take place at the Linoroft Inn, on the unit. She speke on communi ty service, cancer and member' March 16, were arranged at the monthly meeting of the Ladies Mrs. Margaret Hague, senior citizens chairman, reported on a birthday conducted at the Auxiliary Hook and Ladder Com pany. Arrangements were made IS PROUD TO WELCOME TO ITS STAFF MISS CONNIE-The Shore's Leading Manicurist.

Formerly of Harbor Island Spa. MISS BEA-Specializing in Ultra High Fashion Design. Formerly of Joel Richards. MR. VINCENT-Formerly of Saks 5th House Nursing Home, cele- by Mrs.

Daniel ViteDo assisted orating the birthdays ot four paU by Mrs. Gilbert Schumer. en born in February. Gifts erc Mrs. Theodore Christiansen was presented and cake was served.

named chairman and Mrs. Carl Mn Mildred Minor assisted Mrs. Hague. Christiansen, co-chairman of a tricky tray party which will be conducted on April 20 in the fire house. Assisting are Mrs.

Daniel Mrs. Clifton Gayhart, auxiliary dinner chcirman, reported on the plans for a corned beef and cabbage dinner to be sponsor- O'Connell, Mrs. William Schone- Joel Richards, Oliver's Hairdressers. NOW TAKING APPOINTMENTS Phone 2294700 veld, and Mrs. Frank Christoph- ed by the Post and the Auxiliary, Two new members were ac Thurs.

I Fri. Evening til 9 PM. Sunday 10 AM. til PM. Mrs.

Alden Lambert reported on cancer, membership and on the 15-minute radio program in which Mrs. Minor and Mrs. Lam- kh cepted into the auxiliary. They are Mrs. Jack Colt on, and Mrs.

Mabel Anderson. bed were spedseri. Refreshments were served by LIFE MEMBERSHIP Mrs. John Cramer, president of the East Keansbur PTA (left), presents a floral bouquet to Mrs. Henry Fix, 1st grade teacher, with a teaching record of 32 in Middletown Two.

The PTA also awarded Mm Daniel O'Connell. Mri Wii- Mrs. Lambert was hostess for tite social hour that followed the ham Mcith, Mrs. Thomas Mion Mrs, Fix a Life-Membership Pin for her lortjj years of service- and Mrs. Morrii NapoEano.

i meeting. J..

The Daily Record from Long Branch, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.