The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

YOUR MORNING NEWSPAPER THE SHREVEPORT TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1944 5ELBER ROS. iSBaSea "fsYTtsftif i Si DiliaVT HEDDA HOPPER When he's home, sea part of roots. Cone and Beldlng. James Ellison has signed to co-star with Skeeta Gallagher when the original company of "Good Night Ladles' 'opens In the east. Edmund Flying Tiger Finishes First Screen Role Lowe is wanted to head up another Hollywood, Calfl.Since Constance together with guesthouse, servants' Collier's star performance in "Kitty' house, red barn, and a superb view.

company Ward Bond was visiting Duffy's set when Ed Gardner said "When are you coming back to work?" Bond shot back, "I've got my sup 1 Talullah Bankbead has the Acad he'll play Mme. Valeska In "Week-End the Waldorf." Mme. Valeska an opera etar, past her peak, who live emy award photographer, Arthur Miller, for "A Royal Scandal." I must say she was a swell looking dish in a white chiffon, off-the-shoulder porting cast right with me." And he had on his leg Victor Moore took a day off from Duffy's to dash across' the road and sing bass with the Waldorf. She has always lived there. They want to get her out but Van't.

finally she has one last day glory she sings at a wedding. then dies at the Waldorf Capt. Robert Hartzell of the Flying Tigers has finished hi first screen part in Fred Allen Jimmy Dykes of the Chicago White Sox la having himself a time here, and before returning east may do some radio shouts one on "Duffy's Tavern" Joe DIMag-gio Is writing Jokes which he hopes gown trimmed with ostrich feathers. She turned to me and said: "When I'm finished dragging this around how would you like it, for a hat?" I didn't recognize William Eythe In his tight fitting uniform, but the Czarina seemed mighty chummy with him R-K-O wants Hedy Lamarr ur Abbott and. Costello will use.

Joe Comes Home'- John Con for "Duel In the Sun" and' Metro's ldlne offered Lester Cowan 11,000,000 or B-nle Pyle's story, "Here Is Your Loretta Young overhead her daughter. Judy talking about the New baby. Said Judy, "Christopher weighed over eight pounds." Judy's war," meaning he'd like to take over the whole thing, which includes Wil Trimmed. COATS nam Wellman, director, with either Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly Margaret Sullavan must be planning to apend half her time east or maybe all of it. She and teland Hayward fcave bought the house belonging to "Mrs.

JEroy Curtis, mother of Polly companion asked, "How much did he cost a pound?" June Duprer. since "None But the Lonely Heart," was handed a long term contract, and her studio RKO Is gathering material for a musical titled "For Men Only." William Gargan plays opposite Joan Davis in "She Gets Her Man" at Universal Jimmy McHugh and Pattle Andrews have It bad. Ava Gardner and Artie Shaw still are singing duets. David Holt and Ann Glllls are going out together. Ann's face won't be scarred after that automobile accident restone, in Brookfleld, Conn.

Its narming two old "salt boxes" put Stiris INSTANTLY to rtlieva KWKII KTBS f.l use kc cm its nbc mo ncntui 60.000 WATTS 1.004 WATTS (SO WATTS FRIDAY MORNING PROGRAMS A.M. iNwt Breakfast Cabaret 5:15 'Breakfast Cabaret News 5:30 Hreakfast Cabaret iRadio Dot and Smokey A.M. irairfieid I Vour Musical Clock :15 ICross Roads Party Newt Murtcal Clock ITennessee Hoedown Blue Ridge Boys Dawn Patrol iHarmle Smith Newa Muiical Clock Dawn Patrol A.M. iNew of the World Newt Musical Clock Martin Asroiuky ILIght Cruet Doughboys Do You Remember? Alarm Clock 'Sunshine Boya Do You Remember? New Summary 7:45 Music Reveille Roundup Alarm Clock A.MTlNewi Newt Reporter Muik Breakfast Club IHarmle Smith r- Mirth and Madness Breakfat Club Variety Daytime Oaulcs Breakfast Club ISwing Session New Music ai You Breakfaat Club A.M. I Valiant Lady Like It My True Story ILight of the World News of the World Story Aunt Jemima :30 iThls Changing World Finder Keener Speaking of You 43 IBachelor Children Finders Kef pen Listening Post 10 A.M.

IA. P. New Road of Life Breakfast at SardT 10:15 'Moments In Melody Rosemary Breakfast at Sardt's 10:30 Bright Horizon It's a Hit Gil Marlyn 10j45 iLife Can Be Beautiful Kewa It a Hit Jack Berch Show 11 AM. Kate Smith Speak ft a Hit Glamou rManor 11:15 Big Sister If a Hit Glamou rManor 11:30 Romance of Helen Trent V. S.

Marine Band Daily Devotional 11:45 lOur Gal Sunday U. Marine Band Melody in Swlngttmt FRIDAY AFTERNOON PROGRAMS 12 P.M. Sunshine Boys Prayer Sketches Baukhase Talkln' 12:15 lAut Bunie News Reporter Blue Correspondents 11.30 IA. P. News Coffee Grinders Luncheon Dance 18:45 iThe Goldberg Morgan Beatty 10-1-4 Ranch 1 P.M.

(Joyce Jordan. M. D. Guiding Light Kiernan' Corner 1:15 iTwo on a Clue Today' Children Mystery Chef 1:30 Young Dr. Malone Woman in White Today' Top Tune 1:45 IRadio Dot and Smokey Cote Glee Club Today's Top Tune 2 P.M.

'Mary Marlin Woman of America Morton Downey 2:13 Irene Beasley Ma Perkins Hollywood Star Time 2:30 American School Judy and Jane Appoinlmetn 2:45 I of the Air Right to Happiness With Liie, 3 P.M. (Service Time Backstage Wife Ethel and Albert 3:15 IService Time Stella Dallas Don Norman Show 3:30 Raymond Scott Show Lorenzo Jones Time View New 3:45 Raymond Scott Show Young Wldder Brown Vocal Varieties 4 P.M. (Sing Along Club Newa Variety Afternoon Melodies 4:15 Sing Along Club Portia Facd Life Afternoon Melodies 4:30 New Variety It a Hit News Interlude 4:45 Wilderness Road. It' a Hit Hop Harngan 5 P.M. New Lost John Music New Terry and Pirate 3:15 iLyn Murray's Orch.

Serenade to America Dick Tracy 3:30 ITexa Rangers Sereade M'Carthy Jack Armstrong 5:43 IWorld Today J. Harsch Place Name New Musical Grab Bag FRIDAY EVENING PROGRAMS 6 P.M. ICoon Creek Boy J. Mercer Music Shop Note Prom :15 IRaymond Scott New of the World Yesterday Dean Hudson's Orch. Sport Roundup Dinner Dance :45 Music Lou HolU H.

V. Kaltenborn Jerry Boseman 7 P.M. IThe Aldrich Family Concert Hour Ray Henle 7:15 The Aldrich Family Concert Hour Parker Faintly 7:30 (Adventures of the Thin Duffy Tavern Variation by 7:45 I Man B. Henry Duffy' Tavern Van Cleave 8 P.M. 'It Pay to Be Ignorant Governor Dewey Gang Buster 8:15 jit Pays to Be Ignorant Governor Dewey Gang Busier 8:30 IThat Brewster People Are Funny Spotlight Band 8:45 I Boy Dem.

Comm. People Are Funny Band Story Teller 9 P.M. jMoore and Durante Ami 'n' Andy Earl Godwin 8:15 jMoore and Durante Ami 'n' Andy Ted Malone 9:30 Stage Door Canteen Sport New Reel Ed Wynn Show 8:45 ISage Door Canteen Golf Tournament Ed Wynn Show 10 P.M. II Love a Mystery New Reporter Music Falstaff Show 10:15 IClvib Coronado Harkneis of Wash. Henry J.

Taylor 10:30 JKWKH World Reporter We Came Thi Doctor Talks tt Over 10:45 (Mildred Bailey A Co. Way Van Cleave New 11 P.M. INews Toronto Calling News Mr. Smith SINE 11:15 IToronto Calling Goes to Town 11:30 IGlen Gray's Oirh. Three Sun's Trio 11:43 IBob Berkey's Orch.

Lee Sim New 12 Mid. INews Midnight Frolic SINK rer The 12:15 IMldnght Frolic am la RaSle 12:30 IMidnight Frolic New Read 12:45 IMidnight Frolic Ta Time 1 A.M. INew 1:05 ISINE only too willing to lend Paulette Goddard, baek from New York, was telling about Burgess Meredith's taking her to the country to meet his friends, Waldo Pierce, Henry Poor, Maxwell Anderson, and John Steinbeck. They all showed up wearing heavy beards they'd grown em themselves. She thought It was for a gag, but it seems they like 'em Harriet Parsons got "Enchanted Cottage" off to a good start at R-K-O.

The silent version was made 30 years ago. Spring Bylngton, one of my favorites and Richard Gaines have been added to the cast which Includes Dorothy McGuire and Robert Young. William Jeffers Is spreading out the food In Omaha, for Darryl Zanuck on Oct. 18 with the major, five governors and the entire populace of Wahoo, where Darryl was born, as his guest. Darryl thought It easier for them to come to Omaha and view "Wilson" than it would be for him to go there When Deanna Durbln took on new help, she took on their two dogs, too Radio may lose one of Its handsomest Sonny Dunham says in Hollywood a girl never chases a man, but neither AGHEG-PAinS 1 pi rH JUST liUSON (NON-TAXABLE) men to the movies.

He's Vic Hunter, does a mousetrap chase a mouse. Continue Inquest Into Death of Family Croup Alexandria, Oct. 19 (JF). The inquest into the weatbs of three members of the Sylvan Bordelon family in Pineville last Friday night was continued today until Oct. 25 at the request of a coroner's Jury which did not return a verdict.

Bordelon, his wife and 12-year-old son James were found fatilly shot in their Ella Mae Bordelon, 19, and Louise Bordelon, 16, two daughters, were the principal witnesses, testifying that there had been trouble between thjlr parents and their father had said "there was going to be a great change." now making tests at Paramount. Caul a. "niat. i. Eases the Pain AUhfVuAtV Rothmoor Coats are a very special kind so designed and beautifully detailed to give you that very super-elegant look that's so desired.

Rothmoors are exclusive at Selber's in Shreveport. 'GROVE'S Soothes the Nerves Distracting neuralgic pain, and nerves ruffled by minor pains of this type, yield promptly to the Quick-acting effectiveness of "BC" also relieves headeohes, muscular aches and functional periodic pains. Handy 10c and 25c sizes. Use only as directed. Consult a physician when pains persist.


W. H. Thomas, residing at Carlisle, has been reported missing in action over Germany since Sept. 28. according to a message from the war department.

He was serving in the air force, based In England, when last heard from by relatives. ABANDONJIENT OF FACTORIES (Upper) Slenderized fitted coat with lynx wolf collar. 100 pure virgin wools season's new colors in blue, aqua, sea green, gold. Says War Plants Can Form The ballot Is "the freeman's vote for Freedom." GLOBES GLOBES GLOBES 'Nucleus of Great Prosperity" II Seattle, Oct. 19 OP Sen Harry 8.

Truman, striking out at proposals for abandoning 000,000,000 worth of government-built war plants said tonight that they can form "the nucleus of a great prosperity" after the war and must be kept In operation by private busl (Right) Neat sable-dyed collar in a beautiful tinted model of Frost' man's dressy woolens. Wonderful colors: fuchsia, gold, blue, green, gold, brown. Misses end Junior Sizes ness. Globes of all sizes by Crams. Each with a Crams guarantee which gives you replaceable parts for changed borders and boundaries after the war.

The better models are of glass and can be illuminated. 1 fo win ff preference of millions for 317 yearsl Truman. Democratic candidate for vice president, addressed a party rally in the civic auditorium here. In his speech, broadcast to the western 1 states, he asserted that: 1. The Democratic administration would work for post-war utilization $3.95 to $19.95 of government built plants but "not government operation of such name in Scotch plants." 9 3.

The war can be won quickly "with the right kind of leadership the kind we have now but "with Selber's Fashion Solo Main Floor the wrong kind of leadership, could take years longer." STATIONERS 3. That Oov. Thomas Z. Dewey's 420 Milam stand on foreign policy made him "all things to all people." "The Democratic administration believes that we should go forward and utilize to the best advantage Iff; i Fa 'iggssvleSa 9 AUNT SASSIE and the FOLKS the fine plants and facilities built to win the war," Truman said. "By this I do not mean government operation of such plants.

"But I do mean that the government must have a vigorous, well- I told Maizie Miller she ought to be spanked Caught her right in the act of throwin' out some perfectly food ham. They were plumb tired of eatin' it, she say. conceived and well-directed effort to encourage private business outtllae these plants. I mean a government that will place the operation of these planta and the welfare of the millions of workers above the selfish Interests of those who fear Spectators "Have it with Johnny Cake 'n Gravy," I says, "an" you'll relish it all ever again. Use new Royal E.A.S.

Phosphite Balrin' Powder an' see hew light an tender that Johnny Cake Maizie doe nil her baltia with new Royal now swears by itlYoo will, too, folks. Oct new Royal today. "The facilities provided for war I IUC3 KITS KStn 111 PMOf SMtOStT WrtlTU TIIK i production will form the nucleus for to a great prosperity for the entire nation if we have the courage and the vision to see to It that they are kept A95 in operation, he said. "If they are dismantled or allowed to He Idle, the Injury win be beyond calculation With those facilities in operation wt can rebuild America. The finest consumer goods can be made In huge quantities and distributed at prices av neseeeaa Reyes I lsslMai et ItasWfeeiiMlt I ewe 4 aaWasyewi Bm -r4i within the reach of everyone." Truman said much remained to be done before final victory but that there waa no doubt that it would be achieved.

"With the right kind of leadership the kind we have now we can win quickly." he aald. "With the wrong kind at leadership, it could take year longer." A grand spectator of svperB Naturalizer quality and desigl ing. High or medium heel Army russet only. Widths AAAA B. Sizes up to 9.

Sift toteAer flour, bafang pow-dcr. suff and salt. Add corn meal, beaten make a stiff batter. Add melted aMriat or slwrtenint; t1 nntU weU mixed. greased 1-inch square pan.

Be tehotoren at 425' F. for about SS minutes. Cut into VBre pUt, put together, cojrrwrtt cr6amad has frary. senrea District Home Economics Teachers Meet at Normal Shot Soton, Main Floor 1 THOMAS E. MM TBS mat to rri New Cook Book wrth 14 detteioua, tasted ret rnC CI rpea.

Writ today ta SranafW Brands fat 499, Otmnd Central Anmt, rVasr York 17. N. Y. Natchitoches. Oct.

19 (Special), High school home economics teachers from eight northwest Louisiana par-lanes will attend the tenth area conference for home economics teachers oa the campue of the Louisiana Bute normal college here Friday and Saturday. With Miss Esther Coo ley of the home economics staff at the state college here serving aa chairman, the two-day aneet will be held under the direction of Mite Clyde state supervisor of home economics, and Mies Leia TomUason, assistant state supervisor, with Miss Ionian Talbot and Mrs. Rutry Duncklemsn, district home economics supervisors, S.A.S. Pltwnait3 wRjiTni 0 0 rrwV hiUiHC 9i) Mo ft lawtuMjrw Costs czly 13 is csch zs cUfoyzl CONTAINS NO CREAM OF TARTAR IN Ml tl.e).. l.t.

AN CANS (wHMMi'vWMi a rum ton ivutr cr rnt jam tit.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.