What Comes First: Width, Length or Height?  | The Confused Nester (2025)

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How many times have you found yourself googling “does width or length come first” when doing some online shopping? Or when someone asks you to take the measurements of a mirror, a coffee table or a desk?

When we were first moving into our house, I had a post-it stuck to my laptop screen with L x W x H = W x H x D written on it in the boldest, blackest font I could muster with a pencil. And even after buying dozens of items, I still had to refer back to it every time.

So, if like me, you are confused about the order of the dimensions, let’s try to clear up the confusion once and for all. If you still need to refer back to this article, don’t worry: I had to double check what I was saying while writing too.

What Comes First: Width, Length or Height?

Measurements are always listed in the same order: length x width x height. If you also need to add depth, it will be the fourth number. A product that is 8 x 5 x 3” will be 8 inches long, 5 inches wide and 3 inches tall.

Some confusion will arise depending on the number of sides. So, here is your standard envelope and your standard box. Hopefully this helps you grasp the length, width, height concept.

What Comes First: Width, Length or Height? | The Confused Nester (1)
What Comes First: Width, Length or Height? | The Confused Nester (2)

What Order Do Measurements Go In?

Measurements always go in the same order. The first number is always the length, the second one is the width, and the third one is the height. The fourth number will be the depth.

This order has been standardised to avoid confusion, and also just happens to be the order you usually measure things in. When you see an X x Y x Z measurement, know that it is always written down in this order. Unless of course someone is not aware of this standard, and is using their own arbitrary measuring system.

This order applies to both metric and imperial measurements, so inches and centimetres make no difference.

What’s the Difference Between Length and Width?

Length is always the longest side of an item, while width will be the shorter side. This is often the most confusing part for most people.

If you are measuring an envelope or a piece of paper, you will only have length and width. The longer side will be the length, and the shorter one will be the width, no matter which way you stand the item.

However, there is a caveat here you need to know about. When it comes to artwork, picture frames and magazines, the two dimensions used are actually width by height. In this case, width is the shorter, horizontal dimension, while weight is the longer, vertical one. There is no length in this case, but the order is actually just the same.

What Comes First: Width, Length or Height? | The Confused Nester (3)

What Is W X H X D?

W x H x D is often used for describing the dimensions of boxes. It stands for width, height and depth. In essence, this is the same order as length, width and height, except that you have moved a step down in the order and are including depth.

Let me explain that better.

If you are buying a sofa for example that is 80″W x 38″H x 37″D, this will mean the sofa is 80 inches wide at its longest part. Confusing, right?

The height is rather obvious, while the depth refers to the distance between the front and the back of the couch.

What is L and W and H?

In the L, W, H combination, L stands for length, W stands for width, and H stands for height.

This is the standardised way dimensions are listed, to avoid any confusion when purchasing items. If you know the measurements you need, you will easily be able to source just the right size.

How are Dimensions Listed in Order?

Dimensions are always listed in this order: length x width x height x depth. If one of them is missing, the order will still stay the same.

When you see a measurement, it will practically always come with the right letters added, so you won’t have to question which stands for which.

How Do You Read Item Dimensions?

Dimensions are always read in the same order. It’s length x width x height x depth.

You may also come across dimensions listed in a different order, however, that just means the person listing them was not sure about the order, and has mixed it up.

What is the First Dimension?

The first dimension is always length, also known as the x-axis. Think of it as nothing more than a straight, horizontal line.

Is Length or Width First in a Floor Plan?

In a floor plan, the width will always be listed first, and the length second. In this case, width is the horizontal dimension (side to side), while length is the vertical one (top to bottom).

This is not quite what you may have been expecting, but if you actually looked at a floor plan, it would become quite apparent that the bigger number can’t possibly be the width, if that is the shorter part of the room.

Do Floor Plans Include Height?

No, a floor plan does not include the height of the walls, or how tall the windows and doors are. This information will often be listed elsewhere.

Is Length Bigger Than Width?

Yes, length refers to the longest side of a rectangle, while width is the shorter side. The length of a two-dimensional object will always be bigger than its width.

Is Height and Depth the Same?

Depending on the field you are using the terms in, height and depth are not the same. For example, in construction, height will refer to objects above ground, while depth to objects below ground level. However, in terms of packaging and boxes, height and depth are essentially the same.

Is Width the Same as Length?

No, width and length are not the same. Length refers to the longest side of a two-dimensional object, while width is the shorter one.

Is Width the Same as Height?

No, width and height are not the same. Width (and length) refer to horizontal dimensions, while height is a vertical dimension.

Is It Length by Width or Width by Length?

It’s either length by width or width by height (if you are measuring a picture frame).

Wrapping It Up

Hopefully you are now better able to distinguish between length, width, height and depth. I understand it can be very confusing, so don’t feel bad if you routinely mix them up. With the exception of architects and builders, most people probably do too.

What Comes First: Width, Length or Height?  | The Confused Nester (2025)


What comes first, length or width or height? ›

Measurements always go in the following order: length x width x height. For example, if a product is 12" x 6" x 8", it is 12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 8 inches tall. If there is a fourth number, that is for the depth or thickness of the item.

What is the order of Wxdxh? ›

One of the biggest issues we hear is that people get the measurements width, height and depth mixed up. The industry standard is to display these measurements in the order of width first, height second and depth third.

What is the order of listing dimensions? ›

When listing dimensions, the order typically follows the convention of length, width, and height. This convention is commonly used when specifying the dimensions of objects, such as boxes, rooms, or any three-dimensional structures.

What is the correct order of dimensions? ›

However, the industry standard order of dimensions when recording or reading measurements remains the same: Length x Width x Depth (LxWxD) or Length x Width x Height (LxWxH). Length: The longest side when looking at the top of the box. Width: The shorter side when looking at the top of the box.

What does L * W * H mean? ›

When you see the dimensions of an object listed as “length x width x height,” it is referring to the measurement of that object in three-dimensional space. The length is always the longest side, the width is always the middle side, and the height is always the shortest side.

What is the correct way to write dimensions? ›

How to Measure Box & Packaging Dimensions
  1. All box dimensions are written as length x width x height. For example, 14" x 11" x 4" means 14" (L) x 11" (W) x 4" (H)".
  2. Specify whether these are inner or outer box dimensions.

What order do you list height and width? ›

The Importance of Knowing the Order of Dimensions

The order of dimensions determines the unit of measurement used. For instance, when measuring space, the length is listed first, followed by the width and height. This order is essential because it helps in defining the shape of the object.

What comes after length width and depth? ›

Height, width, depth, length, and breadth are common words used to express measurements in different directions.

What is the order of image dimensions? ›

The Graphics' industry standard is width by height (width x height). Meaning that when you write your measurements, you write them from your point of view, beginning with the width. That's important.

What are all the dimensions in order? ›

The everyday three dimensions can be described in three different ways: Length, width and height. X, Y and Z.

What is the pattern of listing? ›

Listing Pattern

the writer presents an idea and then adds other ideas to deepen or clarify the first idea.

What is the listing order? ›

Listing-order is a pattern of organization where you divide the topic into separate points then discuss them individually.

Is it height or width first? ›

Width by height is a widely accepted standard in many areas: the graphics industry for instance, as well as the building industry (doors, windows and sheets of wood). Box makers always put the width before the height (with the length as the first dimension).

Do you list length or width first? ›

The longer dimension is the length and comes first in order. The other dimension is the width. Now, measure the distance from one of the inside corners to the top.

What does wxdxh mean? ›

To assist you in determining if the piece you have chosen fits in your room, we have a couple of tips. First up, the dimensions for each of our products are shown in the following order: width (W) x depth (D) x height (H).

What does 6x9 mean in measurement? ›

This means that when a measurement states that a rug is 6x9, it is 9 feet long by 6 feet wide.

How do you measure l * w * h? ›

L x W x H : Length, Width, Height

Start from the basics when you're reading dimensions, Length (L), Width (W), and Height (H). Shorthand, it's written like this: L x W x H . Typically read from left to right. For these examples, we'll use a simple box.

What is the ratio width or height first? ›

The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of its width to its height. It is expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, width:height.

Is width always the shortest? ›

By convention in maths, the longer line is referred to as length and the shorter one as width (breadth). If width is longer, then that would be referred to as length and the other as width. Area of rectangle is product of length and width. Multiplication is commutative; that's lb = bl; so, it hardly matters.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.