Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)

Table of Contents
Compatibility Installation Features Known Issues Roadmap Credits / Thank Yous Support Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have v0.0.1 installed, please follow the upgrade notes! Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have v0.0.1 or v0.0.2 installed, please follow the upgrade notes! Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! 🪄 Wow, another update, no, just messed up the last upload.Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! 🪄 Wow, another update, no, just messed up the last upload.Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! 🪄 Last update today, just fixes for unexpected bugs.Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! 🪄 Last update today, just fixes for unexpected bugs.Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link. If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! 🔥Heatmap feature, Fika support, massive refactors & stability fixesPlease refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! 🔥Heatmap feature, massive refactors & stability fixesPlease refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! 🚀 Performance update, heatmap changes, bug fixes and project clean-up Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! 🚀 Performance update, heatmap changes, bug fixes and project clean-up Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! ⬆️ Upgrade to support SPT v3.9.X⚠️ Early port to 3.9.X - this has not been extensively tested, I ran three raids, two of which had SAIN 3.0 installed, and they all worked. Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! ⬆️ Upgrade to support SPT v3.9.X Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes! Participate now! Similar Threads That's Lit - Logical AI Vision Late to the Party Questing Bots Who is online? FAQs

Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (3)

  • ekky
  • Jun 11th 2024
    • Jun 11th 2024

      ekky added a new file:


      Raid Review

      Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (4)

      A web based post raid replay system of your SPT raids; details replay system with heatmap overlay. Review kills, lootings, positional data, and just get a general understanding of what was going on in your raids!



      Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (6)

      To use this mod, make sure the SPT Server is running, play a few raids with the mod installed of course.

      Once you've played a few raids, open the web client from in-game by hitting F5 or opening your browser, and going to

      From there you can flick through your raids, and scrub through the playback system if positional data was captured.


      • Only a Chromium based browser is supported right now, cross-browser compatibility is on the roadmap.
      • v3.8.X versions are compatible.
      • FIKA support is somewhat unknown, there are reports of it working for the host.


      Download your compatible version from the 'versions' tab.

      Each particular version will have specific installation / upgrade notes, please refer to this before commenting!


      • Review information for raids such as kills, looting, players, bots, and positional information.
      • Basic toggle filters/grouping features to view raid information after the fact.
      • Replay and visualize positional movement and events that occurred throughout a raid.
      • Follow a specific/player by clicking on them.
      • Click on an 'event' in the timeline.
      • Focus/highlight a player by hovering over name in the Legend panel.
      • Toggle various visualizations to hide and show markers on the map.
      • Toggle map layers to see different levels of a map.
      • If you have SAIN installed, see detailed information about the personality type and bot type.

      Known Issues

      • 🚩Not compatible with Mozilla Firefox, issues rendering the playback system.

      This is just for quick reference, please log an issue via Github if you need me to address a bug!


      • [Feature] Share a raid, nuff' said.
      • [Feature] Favourite/highlights feature, similar to "twitch clips" for referencing back to specifc moments.
      • [Feature] Ballistics/rounds fired stats, visualize this in a focused "firefight" replay.
      • [Feature] Profile visulisation over a period of time, see profile stat increases with interactive graphs.
      • [UI] Differentiate between Bosses/Raiders/Rogues/Cultists from PMCs and Scavs.
      • [UI] Differentiate between PMC/Scav Runs.
      • [UI] Improve logos and icons for the playback system.
      • [Code] Code clean-up, tons of unused stuff and double ups of functions.

      If you have an idea, or wish to contribute feel free to raise an issue or make a pull request!

      Credits / Thank Yous

      • The entire SPT team for an amazing framework, and documentation.
      • SPT Discord, specfically people active in the 'mod-development' and 'dev-community' channels.
      • The folks over at '' for having an Open Sourced MIT Licensed repo that I could fork the interactive map from, litterally saved me weeks of work.
      • You for downloading the mod, and taking the time to install it.


      100% do not ever feel obligated to support, but a coffee would be nice.

      Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (7)

      Display More
      • Jun 12th 2024

        ekky added a new version:


        Raid Review 0.0.2 - v3.8.x

        Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (8)

        Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

        If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

        Summary of patch notes

        A protection mechanism was added to handle old profiles from the SPT Server, preventing UI rendering issues in the vite app. The 'positionsTracked' attribute is now part of the raidData for the '/api/profile/raids/' route, which controls the Map playback button in the UI. Additionally, the 'Loot Found' summary in the Raid Overview screen has



        Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

        If you have v0.0.1 installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

        • Jun 12th 2024

          ekky added a new version:


          Raid Review 0.0.3 - v3.8.x

          Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (10)

          Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

          If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

          Summary of patch notes

          I've tried to address some issues. Fixed the looting timeline so it hopefully displays actions more accurately now. Tackled some map data loading glitches, and to prevent the playback scrubber from going missing, I've added some overflow constraints to the map view.



          Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

          If you have v0.0.1 or v0.0.2 installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

          Summary of patch notes

          I've tried to address some issues. Fixed the looting timeline so it hopefully displays actions more accurately now. Tackled some map data loading glitches, and to prevent the playback scrubber from going missing, I've added some overflow constraints to the map view.

          • Jun 22nd 2024

            ekky added a new version:


            Raid Review 0.0.4 - v3.8.x

            Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (12)

            Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

            If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

            Summary of patch notes

            - Extended bot information, distinct colors, and further support with SAIN (thanks to Chazu for the help)!
            - Further support for remote host enjoyers via F12 settings, and a config.json for the server mod.
            - Automatic data deletion, data integrity checks, and improvements to data collection / compilation.
            - Most other changes are performance or…



            Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

            If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

            Summary of patch notes

            - Too many, just click the link and have a read.


            • Jun 23rd 2024

              ekky added a new version:


              Raid Review 0.0.5 - v3.8.x

              Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (14)

              🪄 Wow, another update, no, just messed up the last upload.

              Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

              If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

              Summary of patch notes

              - Fixed Bosses, and other types being incorrectly categorised in the replay.
              - Fixed groupings in the raid review screen, now actually grouping by squads.

              ⚠️ Known bug(s) with v0.0.5 version ⚠️
              - Positional data not recording, if you've noticed this, upgrade to v0.0.6, but read the



              🪄 Wow, another update, no, just messed up the last upload.

              Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

              If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

              Summary of patch notes

              - Fixed Bosses, and other types being incorrectly categorised in the replay.

              - Fixed groupings in the raid review screen, now actually grouping by squads.


              • Jun 23rd 2024

                ekky added a new version:


                Raid Review 0.0.6 - v3.8.x

                Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (16)

                🪄 Last update today, just fixes for unexpected bugs.

                Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

                If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

                Summary of patch notes

                - [Ekky] Fixed incorrect default F12 Menu setting turning off positional data tracking, if positional data is not working for you, please ensure "5. Disable Recording" is unchecked in the F12 menu (requires client restart).
                - [Ekky] Fixed issue with previous raids not being cleared of the…



                🪄 Last update today, just fixes for unexpected bugs.

                Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

                If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

                Summary of patch notes

                - [Ekky] Fixed incorrect default F12 Menu setting turning off positional data tracking, if positional data is not working for you, please ensure "5. Disable Recording" is unchecked in the F12 menu.

                - [Ekky] Fixed issue with previous raids not being cleared of the processed cue, and would constantly re-process data whilst in main menu

                - [Ekky] Fixed issue with goons, and some bosses not being identified after the last fix.

                - [Ekky] Fixed issue with statistical data not adding up kills correctly.

                - [Ekky] Fixed issue with profile screen not fitting multiple profiles if more than 6 profiles.

                - [Ekky] Modified retry to obtain BotComponent out of SAIN, hopefully this fixes the UNKNOWN bug.

                Known Issue

                SAIN Brain Type for PMC's is not working for this patch, please 🐻with me whilst we work on a fix.


                Display More
                • Jul 5th 2024

                  ekky added a new version:


                  Raid Review 0.1.0 - v3.8.x

                  Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (18)

                  🔥Heatmap feature, Fika support, massive refactors & stability fixes

                  Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially i

                  f you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

                  Summary of patch notes

                  The change list is light because I cannot be bothered to go back and summarise all the commits, but a ton of work has gone into this version.

                  Massive shoutout to Chazut, stk2008, olli and whoever else helped with testing this build.

                  New Features

                  • Heatmap feature, now



                  🔥Heatmap feature, massive refactors & stability fixes

                  Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially i

                  f you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

                  Summary of patch notes

                  The change list is light because I cannot be bothered to go back and summarise all the commits, but a ton of work has gone into this version.

                  Massive shoutout to Chazut, stk2008, olli and whoever else helped with testing this build.

                  New Features

                  • Heatmap feature, now available via a toggle in the playback settings. @ ekky


                  • Reworked RaidId Generation with a SessionManager for active profiles and active raids, mostly to support Fika, however, this has fixed other wierd bugs.
                  • Refactored client project structure and functionality @ ekky
                  • Formatting, logging and testing session manager changes @ ekky
                  • Unused module clean-up, heatmap implementation & documentation @ ekky
                  • Converted direct DLL references to SAIN to use C# Reflection. @ ekky
                  • Converted to use coroutines instead of using a hacky delay for 5fps capture rate. @ ekky


                  • Fixed issues with PMC SAIN Braintype not showing up consistently. @ Chazut
                  • Fixed custom bosses not showing up correctly @ Chazut
                  • Fixed missing main player issue with re-checks throughout the raid, and post-raid data check. @ ekky
                  • Fix delay on map playback, better SAIN bot info retrieval, remove getBotComponent retry loop @ Chazut
                  • Fix bot difficulty being captured and displayed @ Chazut
                  • Fixed bosses not showing up correctly in timeline and playback @ Chazut


                  Display More
                  • Tuesday, 1:47pm
                  • New

                  ekky added a new version:


                  Raid Review 0.1.1 - v3.8.x

                  Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (20)

                  🚀 Performance update, heatmap changes, bug fixes and project clean-up

                  Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

                  Summary of patch notes

                  Yo; few changes, so have a read if you're interested.

                  v3.9.0 will be my next milestone, it will just be this version (v0.1.1) compatible with v3.9.0

                  Otherwise, install and have fun!

                  • 🚀 Performance fixes; updated playback system to use HTML Canvas instead of SVG DOM



                  🚀 Performance update, heatmap changes, bug fixes and project clean-up

                  Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

                  Summary of patch notes

                  Yo; few changes, so have a read if you're interested.

                  v3.9.0 will be my next milestone, it will just be this version (v0.1.0) compatible with v3.9.0

                  Otherwise, install and have fun!

                  • 🚀 Performance fixes; updated playback system to use HTML Canvas instead of SVG DOM Elements for faster and smoother animations.
                  • 💧 Fixed memory leak; discovered memory leak in the playback that would draw 80,000 extra nodes than required and would continue to build up overtime until the browser crashed (my bad; too little sleep I suppose... no one reads this right).
                  • 😪 Project changes; restructured projects so I could start sharing components between private and public instances of Raid Review (coming soon tm).
                  • 🗺 Playback interface: slight changes to the UI, and better exposure of the positional/heatmap toggle.
                  • 🧠 Added caching: utilising client-side caching for positional data, should help with load times.
                  • 🐞 Bug fixes; other various bug fixes and changes.
                  • 🔧 Other changes...

                  Thanks for reading ✌️

                  Known Issues

                  Not compatible with Mozilla Firefox, issues rendering the playback system.

                  Display More
                  • Tuesday, 3:40pm
                  • New

                  ekky added a new version:


                  Raid Review 0.1.1_NEXT - v3.9.x

                  Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (22)

                  ⬆️ Upgrade to support SPT v3.9.X

                  ⚠️ Early port to 3.9.X - this has not been extensively tested, I ran three raids, two of which had SAIN 3.0 installed, and they all worked.

                  Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

                  Summary of patch notes

                  The exact same as the v0.1.1 Released for v3.8.X, this is just a compatibility upgrade to v3.9.X.

                  Known Issues

                  Not compatible with Mozilla Firefox, issues rendering…



                  ⬆️ Upgrade to support SPT v3.9.X

                  ⚠️ Early port to 3.9.X - this has not been extensively tested, I ran three raids, two of which had SAIN 3.0 installed, and they all worked.

                  Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link, especially if you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

                  Summary of patch notes

                  The exact same as the v0.1.1 Released for v3.8.X, this is just a compatibility upgrade to v3.9.X.

                  Known Issues

                  Not compatible with Mozilla Firefox, issues rendering the playback system.

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                Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)


                Raid Review - SPT Mods Workshop? ›

                A web-based post raid replay system of your SPT raids; detailed replay system with heatmap overlay, review kills, lootings, positional data, and just get a general understanding of what was going on in your raids! To use this mod, make sure the SPT Server is running, play a few raids with the mod installed of course.

                Where can I get mods for sptarkov? ›

                The place where all SPT mods are available. Navigate a massive collection of our community-made mods. Service to the hub homepage, forum, and gallery have been restored.

                What is SPT for Tarkov? ›

                SPT, short for SIngle Player Tarkov, is a project that attempts to emulate the live Tarkov experience locally on your computer. It also provides a modding platform for others to alter the experience in many ways and share these changes as 'mods'.

                Where do you find mods? ›

                Many games support mods through the Steam Workshop, where you can easily browse for new content and have it automatically appear in your game. You can also find mods related to a game by checking for the "Community-made Mods" section on its store page.

                Can I get banned for playing single player in Tarkov? ›

                Using SPT breaks the Terms of Service agreement you agreed to when creating your EFT account which allows them to terminate your account at any time. Therefore, we strongly advise against informing BSG staff/moderators you use SPT or make public videos showing yourself playing SPT!

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                Author: Terence Hammes MD

                Last Updated:

                Views: 5563

                Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

                Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

                Author information

                Name: Terence Hammes MD

                Birthday: 1992-04-11

                Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

                Phone: +50312511349175

                Job: Product Consulting Liaison

                Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

                Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.